Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Why volunteer?

There are many rewards attached to volunteering. Helping others and feeling good are two that first come to mind.
Volunteers help to keep the worlds neighborhoods, streets, parks, rivers, green spaces, and water clean and safe for everyone.
Volunteers tutor, teach, mentor, coach, and support young people with everything from math homework to dealing with personal crises to football and soccer tourneys.
A volunteer also benefits themselves because they get to see how their contribution has made a difference. This experience contributes to personal development especially in areas such as self-fulfillment, self-confidence, and self-esteem which often flourish in the midst of volunteering experiences.

Happiness Comes From Helping Others...

Friday, December 14, 2012

The Violet Eden Chapters -Rocio

Violet Eden is Part angel part human!!

These are great sci-fi books! If you haven't read them, I really advise you to do so.

I love this book!!! It's great!! Ready to read the next one! #teamlincon

Update: I finished all 5 of the books, and let me tell you guys they are awesome. You can click on the picture below to see all 5 books. 

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Fitness -Rocio

Why workout? You workout so you can look good! And them jeans can fit in!

Maybe better reasons?
Working out gives you great self esteem, not only will you look good but you will feel good. Being healthy is a number one to a longer life, filled with strength.

So get out there are run! You don't have to own a gym membership to workout, there are parks, workout videos(even on YouTube), YMCA, wii (just dance) and there is always the outdoors.

Trust me, it will be hard at first but then you won't want to stop. The great feeling about yourself will soon take over!

Remember Have fun,

"Blue" Forever 21 Love & Beauty

I really love these nail polishes, you can buy them at Forever 21! They are $2.80! Great buy! They last over a week on your nails. I am for sure going to go back and get more for the holidays!