Saturday, July 30, 2016

All The Missing Girls By: Megan Miranda -Book Review

This book is about Nicolette, a girl who returns to her home town ten years after the disappearance of her best friend, Corinne. Not long after she returns another girl, Annalise goes missing. Now again the same set of friends and family in the little town are all potential suspects in both cases. 

OMG, In my opinion, I really can not say how much I loved this book. I haven't read a thriller book in so long that was this good! The characters are very complex and wonderful. The whole atmosphere of the book is amazing. It gradually pulls you into the creepy woods and crime scenes. I had an idea of who the killer was at first, but nooo! I really enjoyed the unique set up of the book and felt that it added tension to the story. This book is told backward. After a brief introduction, the story jumps ahead fifteen days and then counts down, day by day, until we reach the beginning again. It was like following a mystery trail. It was a little confusing at first due to it working backwards in time and it was hard to go back and forth to keep up in the book. But with all the twists and turns, it was a gripping story well worth the time to read. This story was a truly compelling read that I enjoyed almost all of the way through.  If you have read Gone Girl, this book is a read for you! 

Thank you NetGalley, I received this ARC via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.